Good! I think...
In order to offer the best constructive criticism, I feel the need to be completely honest, to be fair to you and to myself, so please bear with me.
This movie is good, but it's NOTHING compared to what the ROTMK series used to be. It's somewhat reminiscent of the Matrix series... it starts out at the pinnacle of greatness, then steadily begins to decline in quality as it progresses from sequel to sequel. But hey, Matrix Revolutions was still one HELL of a movie, and so was this.
Where to begin? First of all, the graphics. As always, it is nothing short of excellence. The amount of detail that went into this movie is almost intoxicating. It's nigh impossible for your brain to absorb everything at once, and I found myself pausing from time to time and zooming in to get a look at all the good stuff. (no sexual pun intended) The "Easter Eggs" you strung throughout the film were a very nice touch. My personal favorite was the Graveyard scene; from the lanterns giving off its eerie lightings to the leaves softly blowing against the breeze, everything fit together perfectly. It reminded me of the "Boo's Haunt" stage from Mario 64, a personal favorite of mine; both created an absorbing mood and begged to be explored.
The music and sounds were pretty good. Nothing that really stands out from the crowd, (unlike the "Titanic" theme from the Funeral scene in ROTMK1 that still clings to my head like a pervert to a naked woman), but it all fits. The classic Donkey Kong theme/sounds especially were used to phenomenal effect.
Now that we have all the technical stuff out of the way, let's get to the real deal. What I want to know from you Randy, is this; what ever happened to the RISE of the MUSHROOM KINGDOM? No, I'm not referring to the series. Wasn't ROTMK supposed to be about the "Fall of a Hero, and the Rise of a Nation"? This theme was prevalent throughout the first two films, then was inexplicably lost in the latter two movies. What started out as an original plotline gave way to the hopelessly cliched and excruciatingly overdone "Luigi dies, Mario goes to get revenge" story. Yeah, been there and done that. I wanted to see more of the conflicts faced by the Mushroom Kingdom as a whole at the hands of Bowser's and Wart's respective empires, and less of the "lone intruder infiltrating enemy encampment". Unfortunately, the rest of the Mushroom Kingdom got lost somewhere, and the series quickly lost the very element that made it unique in the first place. *SIGH*
ROTMK1 and ROTMK2 were undoubtedly very emotional movies. Especially the former. Luigi's grief and anger at Mario's death can be clearly felt, and I'll admit that it almost brought a tear to my eye. Yet, the emotional scale in ROTMK4 is laughable. (kind of like Trinity's death in Revolutions) Remember that brief moment when Mario has flashbacks of his life with Luigi? Were we supposed to feel something there? Funny, because I almost found myself laughing at that particular segment, which was far from the intended effect it was supposed to have upon viewers I'm sure. "Emotion" has always been the big part of the ROTMK series, not its flashy action sequences and violence. But this movie tends to focus solely on the latter elements, which ultimately makes the whole film a bit bland. I did however, enjoy the final celebration scene very much. Very moving and energetic, an excellent way to end any series.
I won't even get started on the humor. All I can say is this; bathroom and penis jokes are far from being funny. It only makes the author come off as immature, and frankly, takes away from the quality of the movie as a whole.
Don't get me wrong... this movie was great. Not the "sprite movie to end all sprite movies" I was hoping for, but still very good stuff. However, I couldn't help but feel somewhat let down after watching this film. This movie has many terrible flaws, and I just hope you and everyone else recognizes that.